I click “Undo all changes (factory reset)” button, then my problem is resolved. O&O ShutUp 10 offers a long list of switches, such as tracking of app starts. I download the O&O ShutUp 10 tool and install it on my Surface Pro 4 and open it. O&O Software has released the latest version of O&O ShutUp 10 1.5, It can help you lock down privacy settings in Windows 10 and improve privacy in the new Creator’s Update. * Your Windows settings over privacy might be changed by something or during the updating process. If you have installed third-part Antivirus software like AVG, disable it and return to check if the options are available. For restricted users, those related settings should be greyed out. * First make sure you are signed in as an administrator.

How to fix cloud based protection greyed out in Windows Defender However, because this is a temporary solution, the next time you restart your computer Windows Defender Antivirus will re-enable automatically on your machine.I search on internet and notice that a few people also can not turn on Cloud Based Protection & Automatic sample submission after Windows 10 Creator Update because the options are grep out. Once you've completed the steps, the Windows Server 2019 antivirus will disable its real-time protection temporarily, which is enough time to install Sisense. Turn off the Real-time protection toggle switch.Click the Virus & threat protection settings option.To disable Windows Defender real-time protection: In this case, you can disable the Windows Defender real-time protection temporarily, install Sisense, and then reactivate it. For example, when installing Sisense in Windows Server 2019, Windows Defender scans each zipped file included in the installer making the installation process a lot longer. Add policies to SOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindows DefenderReal-Time Protection for the following: DisableBehaviorMonitoring: Disables behavior monitoring in. However, in some scenarios, you may want to disable the real-time protection of Windows Defender. Windows Defender is an anti-malware engine included with Windows Server 2019 to protect your device and data against viruses, ransomware, spyware, and other security threats. Disabling Windows Defender Real-Time Protection